Viva Chavez!

A recent Reuters news article noted that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has ordered special training for the country’s military forces and civilians to repel an invasion by U.S. forces.  The training adopts a doctrine emphasizing “asymmetric war” or resistance against a more powerful foreign force.
True to form, U.S. officials are attempting to portray Chavez as a negative influence in Latin America.  I don’t know President Chavez personally; but I do know what our leaders are capable of, as does anyone who has read information by noted people, knowledgeable on the subject..  I would tend to believe and support President Chavez to do what is necessary to protect his country from U.S. imperialism.
Other factors are building that spell trouble for Americans, primarily the low approval rating for GWB.   The good news is that people are finally catching on that we have corrupt, inept and criminal leadership.  The bad news is that the Rove machine must go into high gear to re-instate the “fear factor” in us to help the ratings, particularly before the November elections when many seats in congress will be up for change.
This could mean that we might expect an “al-Qaeda” attack on Americans or on American soil itself.  Michael Scheuer, the former CIA chief of counterterrorism has noted that GWB’s policies have helped to strengthen al-Qaeda and that the most likely point of attack is Houston, TX, by means of a truck crossing the border from Mexico. 
Based on additional information, I believe that should al-Qaeda decide not to attack in a timely way for some reason, our CIA “al-Qaeda impersonators” could fill in for them.
If there is no attack, GWB can then claim that his security measures are effective.  He wins either way.
This might not even be of interest to many people, were it not for the fact that our leaders have no concern for the deaths of innocent people, when it furthers their agenda.  It then stirs up a “patriotic fervor” that also works to their benefit.
It appears that there’s “no way out,” which, in fact, there may not be under our current structure.  But I’m an optimist and will, soon, discuss a “Manual for Change.” (Your thoughts on this are always welcome. I have one idea I’ll present later.) We can always just smile at the situation because death is really not a bad thing.  In some spiritual thought, it’s just another step of life.  I just have a problem with the pain that may be associated with it.   🙂



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